About Prophet Angela Powers
Prophet Angela Powers is an ordained prophet of the New Era Apostleship Restitution Collaborative headed by Chief Apostle Dr. Paula A. Price, renowned author of the Prophet’s Dictionary. Prophet Powers serves as a member of NEAR’s Global Company of Prophets and as the Supervisory Prophet for the NEAR Global Intercessory Squadron. She is the visionary & founder of the World Impact Institute.
Through the World Impact Institute Prophet Powers has mentored and developed prophets & intercessors, hosted gatherings for training & development in prayer and intercession, hosted regional & municipal times of intensified extended corporate prayer, as well as other services.

Power Prayer Zone Courses & Coaching
"Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit . . . Therefore by their fruits you will know them," Matthew 7:17 & 20
"Since I've been under Dr. Powers's intercessory training, I've grown exponentially as God's prayer warrior. She knows the rules of engagement , protocols, and mysteries of prayer and intercession. I'm so thankful the Lord Jesus used her to usher me into my next level of potency and tactical ability as an intercessor for my church and destiny," Sadé B.
"Prophet Angela is a powerful intercessor. She asks questions to understand the root of the issue you want to pray about and allows the Holy Spirit to do the rest. She wars against the strongholds and generational curses that are keeping you and your family captive," Marla M.